Browse the internet
To see what each step looks like, just click each step and check out the picture. You can also use the arrow keys on your keyboard.
- 1.
Press Home to access the Home Screen.
- 2. Scroll down to My Apps.
- 3.
Scroll right to the Internet Browser, then press OK.
- 4.
Scroll to Accept, then press OK.
- 5.
Press Up to access the search bar.
- 6.
Press OK.
- 7.
Using the on-screen keyboard enter the desired website or web address (E.g., argos). Then scroll to and select Return.
- 8.
Using the Direction Keys move the pointer over the desired website.
- 9.
Press OK to open the selected website.
- 10.
To add a website to your Bookmarks, use the Direction Keys to move the pointer to the top of the screen.
- 11.
Scroll to Bookmarks, then press OK.
- 12.
Scroll to Add to Bookmarks, then press OK.
- 13.
Scroll to OK, then press OK.
- 14. The website has now been added to Bookmarks.
- 15.
To add a website to the Speed Dial, press BACK.
- 16.
Scroll to Add to Speed Dial, then press OK.
- 17.
Scroll to ADDRESS, then press OK.
- 18. Using the on-screen keyboard enter the desired website or web address (E.g., Then scroll to and select Return.
- 19.
Scroll to OK, then press OK.
- 20. The website has now been added to Speed Dial.
- 21. To open a website on speed dial, scroll to the desired speed dial (E.g.,
- 22. Press OK. The website will open.
- 23.
To clear the search history, use the Direction Keys to move the pointer to the top of the screen.
- 24.
Scroll to History.
- 25.
Scroll to Clear History, then press OK.
- 26.
Scroll to OK, then press OK.
- 27.
The browsing history has now been deleted. Press BACK.
- 28.
To exit the Internet Browser, press EXIT.