Tumble Dryers BUSH DHB7VTDW 7KG Vented Tumble Dryer — 781/2143

Adjusting the feet

For the tumble dryer to work efficiently with minimum vibration it should be installed on a firm level base.

You can adjust the balance of the tumble dryer by changing the positioning of its feet.

Note: Never put boxes, wooden blocks or similar materials under the machine to balance irregularities in the level of the ground.

1. Carefully pull the tumble dryer out of the installed position.


To adjust the feet, tilt the tumble dryer backwards to gain access.

Caution: The tumble dryer is heavy, you may need assistance to help tilt it.


Adjust the height, by rotating the feet upwards or downwards.


Lower the tumble dryer and check it is level and has no wobble when rocked.


Push the tumble dryer back into position.